The Nature of Pain


It seems odd, that every once in a while, my natural ability to deal with overwhelming pain and despair is thwarted, and I acutely feel something I would normally repress. Through factors in and out of my control, this occurs several times annually. Lack of sleep, stress, or strongly emotional events seem to cause me to become somewhat of a tzaddik, and it seems that I share the weight of pain of not only myself, but others around me. Social in nature, I share the griefs of those around me and their triumphs. This week seems to be one of those weeks. Perhaps this isn't an entirely bad thing. Deep, emotional pain must be experienced every so often; it reminds me in a way no other factor could that I am deeply human. It is good to reflect on the fact that the world in its nature in very unhappy due to the consequences of sin. The chasm created in the Fall is never more apparent than when one feels this way. Perhaps this could be called the midnight of the heart. I was deeply troubled to find that Spain's democratic elections were subverted by those of an incredibly violent and morbid nature. It is a sad world in which, those who spread their message through fear and death are allowed to accomplish their goals. And what good will this new government do for Spain. Is the lesson to be learned here that terrorists cannot be confronted. That what should be fixed is better left alone for fear of reprisal? No, it is a dark day. I have a massive lab report to turn in tomorrow morning, which will be followed by many hours of memorizing French, and do chemistry assignments. Seeing that I have much to do, I will go now...