

My Apartment Building Of course, as promised, the third photo in my series. This picture is a reat shot of the front to the apartment building where I currently reside. I think it presents itself rather well. One can also see where I lock my bike on a daily basis there as well. My kitchen can just barely be seen on this photo on the fourth floor. For better or worse, I imagine I will call thisplace home for at least 4 months, and probably 8 or more. I went to see a great play this evening at King's University College after getting a ticket from the chaplain here. The play has been performed all over the place, from South Africa to Washington DC. Bonhoeffer was a brilliant theologian of the 20th century, and he was martyred by the Nazis in 1944. This play told his story in the form of a one man play that has won numerous awards. Peter Krummeck did a very good job of portraying Bonhoeffer, and he re-piqued my interest in reading Bonhoeffer's works. My Chem 211 lab went well today, so I believe I am ready for the lab practical on Friday. So many tasks, so little time.